Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Give Is To Receive

A look at a few of the many, many benefits of giving.

In a culture that is committed to watching out for number one, giving may seem a thing of the past. But it doesn't have to be. When you consider the benefits that come from giving - both big and small benefits - the decision to open up your wallet and heart to others makes more sense than dollars.

So what are the benefits of living a philanthropic life?

Intrinsic Rewards

One of the most immediate benefits of giving is the knowledge that you're making a difference. Whether you help send a missionary family to Guatemala or help a needy family pay for a corrective surgery for their youngster, financial gifts often have immediate impact that lets you feel good about yourself. And these good feelings aren't centered around you. They're centered around the people you helped and the delight you receive in playing a small part in making life a little bit better for a deserving person, family, or organization.

Sense of Community

The community that gives together stays together. When the people of a community rally together to support a cause - particularly if it's a local cause that will help local residents - a bond takes place. People who give together have a mutual respect and trust of one another, which in turn builds a stronger sense of community. Any time there is a strong sense of community, other perks such as a safer community follow.

No one has ever become poor by giving.
- Anne Frank


No, your charitable gift shouldn't put you in a position that allows you to call the shots. (That isn't charitable giving.) But your gift does put in you a position to influence people. When others in your community learn that you gave to a particular cause or organization, they, too, are encouraged to give to those organizations that mean the most to them. Your gift can also be used as a training tool to teach your children the necessity and benefits of regular gifts. By raising the next generation of givers, you play an incredible role in supporting your community for years to come.

Tax Relief

While it may not be the most respected benefit of giving, the tax benefits of donating are often enough to get even the biggest Scrooge to consider a financial gift. The tax benefits of a charitable gift vary depending on a number of variables, but almost all charitable gifts help ease the burden you feel during tax season each year. Gifts that can result in tax benefits include financial gifts as well as donations of clothing, furniture, and automobiles to charitable organizations.

Longer Life

Believe it or not, research has proven that giving prolongs your life. In one study, the gift of time was shown to increase an individual's lifespan despite his or her health. So if you're interested in living life to the fullest and longest, give a little time and get ready to get some back. From volunteering at a homeless shelter to mowing a disabled neighbor's lawn, your gift of time and energy will be returned to you many times over.

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