Friday, July 13, 2012

Track Your Calories

It is extremely hard to track our diets in this eat and go world. Most of us THINK we eat better than how we really are. One of the easiest ways to see our macronutrient breakdown is to track it! Once your daily nutrition is written down, you will see all the extra calories that sneak in through liquids, condiments, or serving sizes. Nutrition Together is a great eye opener when it comes to this and can REALLY help point your nutrition in the right direction. Start tracking your calories, talk to your trainer about what needs to change in your eating habits, and then make the next step towards your fitness goals! -Eric Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale

Friday, July 6, 2012

Stay Active With Swimming!

Summer is here in full effect! Cook-outs, family gatherings, and just being outside in general! One thing that probably gets overlooked is how great swimming is for you! It allows you to get a great workout WITHOUT spinal loading or putting pressure on joints. So if you are sore from a workout, or your knees are bothering you, swimming gives you an opportunity to burn some calories without added stress. Enjoy your time in the sun and do a few extra laps in the pool for a quick, fun, effective, workout! -Eric Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale