Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Time

Thanksgiving is here! A time for everyone to sit back, enjoy spending quality time with family, and indulge a little on some delicious food. Being one of the holidays based on food and drink. How can we enjoy it without sabotaging all of our hard gym efforts? Here are a few tips to get you through Thanksgiving:

- PORTION CONTROL!!! Limit the size of your servings. Or, if you are going to eat more of something, make it turkey.

- One of the few things I tell my clients is to have a little piece of turkey BEFORE you eat pie as well. Yes, I know you just ate a big dinner a few hours earlier. Having that 4-5oz of turkey before the pie will up your protein intake, and also make it so you might not grab for the 2nd, 3rd, or 10th piece of apple crisp.

- Enjoy your food. Do not just devour it. Enjoy each bite, and eat slowly.

Enjoy the fine foods and smells without hurting your health goals! The holidays are here, so cherish the time you have with your loved ones.


Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fasted Cardio

One of the biggest questions in the quest for better body composition is, "when is the best time to perform cardio?" While any type of cardio will aide in better body composition. Scientifically, your body is primed for fat loss upon waking.

Performing cardio in a fasted state ensures that the bodies primary source of fuel is fat stores. Eventually the fuel source changes over to glycogen and lean muscle tissue, but taking advantage of that fat time frame can be the key to better body composition.

For starters, try to walk for 30-45 minutes upon waking in a fasted state. To further enhance the metabolism, sip on a green tea or black coffee before performing your walk to aide in the fat loss.

After your walk, eat a high protein breakfast! Walk your way to success!


Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Train Posterior Chain For Healthier Knees

Anterior knee pain is a common trait found amongst Americans these days largely due to the type of footwear and activity we are performing. Women are prone to knee issues because of the "Q" angle of the hips compared to their knees. Add in high heels and you have a recipe for disaster.

How do we combat these knee issues? Performing posterior chain movements (hamstrings, glutes, lower back) helps hold the knee in place, giving you more support throughout the joint. As a side effect from this type of training, you will also run faster! Not a bad combo! Here are a few movements you can perform with your Fitness Together trainer:

-Kettlebell Swings

-Stiff Leg Deadlifts

-Glute and Ham Raise


-Good Mornings

Add a few of these movements into your training program and enjoy healthier, sturdier knees!


Fitness Together Newtonville & Aburndale

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sprint Intervals For Better Body Composition

Steady state is the norm when people talk about doing their cardio for weight loss. This involves choosing a pace on the treadmill or elliptical and going at the same moderate pace throughout the cardio session.

One way we can speed up the metabolism and jack up EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption), is to perform sprint intervals from time to time. An example of this type of training could be:

-Jog 20 yards

-Sprint 10 yards

Complete the circuit 5 times through.

Another example used in the gym could be:

-Slow jog on treadmill for 50 seconds

-Sprint on treadmill for 10 seconds

Repeat this process for a total of 8 minutes.

Give these sprinting intervals a try and enjoy the benefits of lower body fat PLUS increased cardiovascular health!


Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale