Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One-Way Ticket from Jet Lag

What you can do to say "Sayonara" to jet lag.

Whether you're heading out on a plane for travel or pleasure, the trip always comes with the risk of some major jet lag. But it doesn't have to. With a few small steps, you can beat the odds and enjoy a jet lag-free trip from start to finish.

Get There Early

Getting married three time zones over? Have a presentation in front of thousands of people? Don't get there 10 minutes early and slur your "I do" or forget where your speech was going. Instead, if possible, head to your destination a day or two early. This will give you an entire day to knock the jet lag out of your system and help your body recover and grow accustomed to your new bedtime and wake time.

Swap the Beer

While on a plane, many people ask for an alcoholic beverage. Any time you've got to figure out how to live in a new time zone, staying away from alcohol will help your body adjust faster. Instead of alcohol, drink plenty of water to help your internal clock ticking strong and ready to make necessary adjustments. You should also avoid caffeine, as it, too, can cause you to suffer prolonged jet lag.

Do Your Homework

If you don't have the time or resources to get to your destination a day or two early, you can work the jet lag out of your system while at home. To do this, begin hitting the hay a bit earlier or later (whichever is appropriate for your trip) for a few nights before the trip. By hitting the hay at the time you'll need to go to bed at your destination, you slowly force your body to acclimate to the earlier or later bedtime.

Arrive in Your Mind

Getting your mind in gear is as important as preparing your body for your new schedule. An easy way to do this is to spend some time on the plane thinking as if you're already at your destination. Adjust your watch to the new time zone and think of what you'll be doing when you arrive. Just make sure what you think about is accurate for the time it will be at your destination.

Hit the Shower

Traveling in a cramped plane can cause your muscles to tense up, which in turn makes it difficult to fall asleep. Before trying to force yourself to sleep when you arrive at your new destination, take the time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Want a faster trip to Sleepville? Get in the shower or bath and make sure the water temperature is nice and hot. This will help you relax and put you in sleep mode.

Eat Breakfast

Regardless of how much or how well you sleep the first night at your new destination, getting a good breakfast will help you stay awake and alert throughout the day. For the greatest boost to your energy and alert levels, get plenty of protein via eggs, yogurt, granola with nuts, or peanut butter.

Use Light Properly

Ever wondered why you have a hard time sleeping in the middle of the day? It's because your body recognizes light as the time you're supposed to be sleeping. When it's time to hit the hay, let your internal clock know it by pulling the curtains tight and leaving the television off. In a short amount of time, your body will get the message and leave you to your peaceful sleep.

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