Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Rock Hard Midsection!!!

Although it doesn't seem it right now, summer will be upon us soon! Everyone knows that means beach days, barbecues, and family gatherings. The first thing most people do is start a stomach specialization program that revolves around sit ups to counteract those winter "layers" that accumulated the past few months. This leaves most with no results to show AND a sore lower back to go along with it.

What can we do about it? How about a program that uses functional movements that will improve overall core strength but WON'T mess up your back!

Try this circuit out, perform the four movements in order without resting. After completing the fourth movement, rest 1 minute before performing the circuit again. The circuit should be performed 3-4 times.

V-Ups x 8 reps

Sprinters x 10 reps (try googling this core movement)

Toe Touches x 8

Reverse Crunches x 8

Good luck, summer is coming!!!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Complexes for Strength and Fat Loss

Barbell complexes are extremely effective when it comes to strength gains and fat loss. A complex is when a series of movements are performed in a row without ever putting the bar/dumbbells down.

The intense training effect from a barbell complex increases EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) and burns more calories over a prolonged period of time. EPOC is the increased rate of oxygen intake following exercise. Elevated EPOC can last anywhere from 16-48 hours after exercise. In short, you will burn more calories over a longer period of time.

Complexes are a fun, challenging way to train. Here is a quick sample complex you can try:

Barbell Deadlift x 10

Barbell Row x 10

Barbell Squat x 10

Barbell Press x 10

  • You can use two dumb bells in place of the barbell if you wish

The goal is to perform each movement right after the other without ever putting the bar down. Each movement leads into the next. Perform the complex 4-5 times. Resting 60 seconds between rounds. Choose a weight that allows you to get about 12-15 reps on each movement.

Give complexes a try and enjoy the new and improved body composition!

Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale

Your Friend, Regret...

Have you ever felt regret the day after you passed up a dessert? Of course not! You gave yourself a high-five for dodging the calorie bullet.

When Temptation presents itself in the form of fattening foods or sugary desserts, decide how you want to feel the next day. Would you rather be guilt-ridden and bloated OR guilt-free and svelte?

The choice is yours.

Healthy Chicken Parmesan!

Tired of the same old grilled chicken breast? Here is a quick recipe for chicken parmesan that is healthy AND low in calories!!


12 ounces chicken breast

1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup whole grain bread crumbs

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tbsp onions, dried


Rub each chicken breast with olive oil. Mix the dry ingredients together and pat each piece with the mixture until well covered.

Bake at 375F for 20 minutes.

The calories are low per serving (167), fat is low (4.5 grams) and comes from the healthy monosaturated type, and the protein content is high (18 grams). So enjoy this delicious, healthy meal!

Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale