Friday, December 30, 2011
Make Cardio Fun!
When winter hits its hard to get outside and go for a run. A majority of people think the only form of outdoor cardio is going for a run or jog. When winter hits, they automatically regulate themselves to the treadmill (or any cardio at all). Instead, put on some warm gear and head out snowshoeing, or skiing, or walk in the deep snow! You can make winter fun no matter what the situation!
Just because you arent "jogging" doesnt mean you arent working out! Get out and have some fun this winter all the while noticing how well your strength training has carried over to the new activities!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Friday, December 23, 2011
Vitamin D and Winter
It's that time of the year again. It's dark when you leave for work, and dark on your drive home. Catching some rays just is not in your winter schedule! Don't worry though, we can counteract some of the negative affects of little sunlight.
There are many changes to the environment that we must deal with. Everyone knows they should be exercising, eating correctly, and getting their sleep. One factor that many forget about in the Fall months is their lack of sunlight exposure and vitamin D production. It is extremely hard to get sufficient vitamin D through diet and sunlight alone. Therefore, supplementation is key on keeping your levels in check.
Deficiencies in vitamin D have been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and depression. Vitamin D is also essential for bone growth and plays an important role in the absorption of calcium.(WebMD, DeNoon)
Supplementing with 400-1,000 IU a day can help keep your vitamin D levels in check. Some studies have shown higher dosages to be more effective at keeping your levels in check, but starting out on the low end and seeing how you respond is the best way to go.
Get your vitamin D levels checked through your doctor and see if supplementation is right for you! We could all use a little boost through these next few months!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Limit The Holiday Drinks!
The Holidays are here! Along with great food and family, drinks are usually a common occurrence of our celebrations. Making the right drink choices is key when it comes to controlling your calorie intake. Obviously, a diet mixed drink is a better choice than some of the traditional holiday drinks (eggnog), BUT they still contain calories even though you are mixing it with a 0 calorie drink.
Alcohol is 7 calories per gram (about 100 calories per shot). Therefore, any alcohol is going to add to your daily calorie intake.
The key is to drink in MODERATION! Enjoy a few drinks, but enjoy them and their taste instead of drinking them mindlessly. Enjoy the fine wine, spirits, and family!
Happy holidays and stay safe!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Friday, December 16, 2011
Increase Core Strength To Fight Lower Back Pain
Back pain is commonplace in todays world. When I was searching for an image for this article, I typed in "lower" into Google, and in the search bar, "back pain" popped up without me doing anything else.
How do we fight against back pain when it seems like any extracurricular movement adds to the discomfort?
We strengthen the core! A strong core helps us maintain correct posture, and avoid things like too much curvature in the lumbar spine.
Here are a few movements that can help in the quest for a stronger, healthier, core:
-Side Planks
-Paloff Press
-TRX fallouts
Add these movements into your exercise regime and start to feel better!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Pop Quiz!!
Remember back in your high school days when you would walk into class and the teacher would drop the horrible news on you, "Pop Quiz"? Well, here is my version of a pop quiz. Do your best to answer the questions without looking at the answers at the bottom (or Googling!!)
1. The "healthy" fat found in wild salmon is:
A. Omega-6
B. Omega-9
C. Omega-3
2. Individuals should try taking in ___oz of water per day:
A. 64oz.
B. 90oz.
C. 20oz.
3. An exercise that is great for strengthening the posterior chain (butt, hamstrings) and aids in knee health is:
A. Leg extension
B. Stiff Leg Deadlift
C. Potato Chip Curls
4. To experience a fun, interactive training session with knowledgable trainers, you should train with _____:
A. Fitness Together
B. Fitness Together
C. Both A and B
5. Hard strength training and cardio increases EPOC, which stands for:
A. Eating Pickled Onion Cloves
B. Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption
C. Emulsified Piece Of Cheese
Goodluck and post your answers!!!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Answer sheet.
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. Definitely B
5. B
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Holiday Drink
The holidays are here! And so are the extra calories from food and drink! One of America's pastimes drinks that packs a whooping calorie punch is eggnog. Per 4oz., eggnog is approximately shelling out 130 calories. Imagine what a typical sized drink (PLUS some brandy, eh hem) brings in total calories?
Eggnog tastes excellent, so don't feel like you aren't allowed any! However, limit your servings AND serving size. It takes one second to pack on the weight, but a LONG time to take it off.
Take in the feeling of the holidays, being around family and friends, and keep your workouts planned around the holiday. That way we can all toast (a healthy protein shake maybe?) to health!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Turkey Time
Thanksgiving is here! A time for everyone to sit back, enjoy spending quality time with family, and indulge a little on some delicious food. Being one of the holidays based on food and drink. How can we enjoy it without sabotaging all of our hard gym efforts? Here are a few tips to get you through Thanksgiving:
- PORTION CONTROL!!! Limit the size of your servings. Or, if you are going to eat more of something, make it turkey.
- One of the few things I tell my clients is to have a little piece of turkey BEFORE you eat pie as well. Yes, I know you just ate a big dinner a few hours earlier. Having that 4-5oz of turkey before the pie will up your protein intake, and also make it so you might not grab for the 2nd, 3rd, or 10th piece of apple crisp.
- Enjoy your food. Do not just devour it. Enjoy each bite, and eat slowly.
Enjoy the fine foods and smells without hurting your health goals! The holidays are here, so cherish the time you have with your loved ones.
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Fasted Cardio
One of the biggest questions in the quest for better body composition is, "when is the best time to perform cardio?" While any type of cardio will aide in better body composition. Scientifically, your body is primed for fat loss upon waking.
Performing cardio in a fasted state ensures that the bodies primary source of fuel is fat stores. Eventually the fuel source changes over to glycogen and lean muscle tissue, but taking advantage of that fat time frame can be the key to better body composition.
For starters, try to walk for 30-45 minutes upon waking in a fasted state. To further enhance the metabolism, sip on a green tea or black coffee before performing your walk to aide in the fat loss.
After your walk, eat a high protein breakfast! Walk your way to success!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Train Posterior Chain For Healthier Knees
Anterior knee pain is a common trait found amongst Americans these days largely due to the type of footwear and activity we are performing. Women are prone to knee issues because of the "Q" angle of the hips compared to their knees. Add in high heels and you have a recipe for disaster.
How do we combat these knee issues? Performing posterior chain movements (hamstrings, glutes, lower back) helps hold the knee in place, giving you more support throughout the joint. As a side effect from this type of training, you will also run faster! Not a bad combo! Here are a few movements you can perform with your Fitness Together trainer:
-Kettlebell Swings
-Stiff Leg Deadlifts
-Glute and Ham Raise
-Good Mornings
Add a few of these movements into your training program and enjoy healthier, sturdier knees!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Aburndale
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sprint Intervals For Better Body Composition
Steady state is the norm when people talk about doing their cardio for weight loss. This involves choosing a pace on the treadmill or elliptical and going at the same moderate pace throughout the cardio session.
One way we can speed up the metabolism and jack up EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption), is to perform sprint intervals from time to time. An example of this type of training could be:
-Jog 20 yards
-Sprint 10 yards
Complete the circuit 5 times through.
Another example used in the gym could be:
-Slow jog on treadmill for 50 seconds
-Sprint on treadmill for 10 seconds
Repeat this process for a total of 8 minutes.
Give these sprinting intervals a try and enjoy the benefits of lower body fat PLUS increased cardiovascular health!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Friday, October 28, 2011
Plyometrics For Lower Body Strength
Developing lower body strength has direct carry over to everyday activities. We want to be able to play with our kids longer, go for longer walks, and be able to move our friends into their new apartments (ya, right). Resistance training is a great tool to help us achieve our lower body strength, but adding in plyometrics can tap into a different component of strength.
Plyometrics help develop "explosive" power that will aide us in our starting strength. Here are a few movements that you can perform in conjunction with your strength training routine:
-Box jumps
-Broad jumps
-Plyometric lunges
-Depth jumps
Ask your Fitness Together trainer about plyometrics and the numerous benefits that come along with them!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hallo-Ween Off The Candy
With Halloween right around the corner, temptation follows in the form of sweets! How do we make it through the weekend (or month) without ransacking the children’s candy stash? Here are a few simple guidelines to follow that will help curb those cravings!
1. If you buy candy to hand out, buy the kind you don’t enjoy!
2. Give yourself a limit on how many pieces you are "allowed". As in two, not five! Once the limit is reached, you are done. NO EXCEPTIONS!
3. Put your excess candy (or your kids candy), out of site. That way its not in your plain view all the time. If you have to work harder to find or get to it, you most likely wont go the extra mile to do so.
4. Give away your excess candy!
5. Eat 70% or greater dark chocolate when you are having a sweets craving. The antioxidants found in dark chocolate are very beneficial.
Don’t let this holiday ruin your nutrition/weight goals. Limit yourself, but do not deprive! Good luck and be safe!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Upper Back Strength For Posture
In an average day, people spend more time sitting at their computer, t.v., and in their car. For this reason, its not uncommon to see someone with that "slouched" posture. You know it, head forward, shoulders pulled forward, big rounding of the upper back.
How do we fight this? By training the upper back with weights! Strength training 2-3 times per week can drastically improve posture. Perform two of these movements at least twice per week.
Pull Ups or Assisted Pull Ups
Lat Pulldowns
Face Pulls
Dumbbell Rows
Cable Rows
Goodluck with your training and keep fighting the war against bad posture!!!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Friday, September 16, 2011
Shorter Days? Get Your Vitamin D!!
It's that time of the year again. It's dark when you leave for work, and dark on your drive home. Catching some rays just is not in your Fall schedule! Don't worry though, we can counteract some of the negative affects of little sunlight.
There are many changes to the environment that we must deal with. Everyone knows they should be exercising, eating correctly, and getting their sleep. One factor that many forget about in the Fall months is their lack of sunlight exposure and vitamin D production. It is extremely hard to get sufficient vitamin D through diet and sunlight alone. Therefore, supplementation is key on keeping your levels in check.
Deficiencies in vitamin D have been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and depression. Vitamin D is also essential for bone growth and plays an important role in the absorption of calcium.(WebMD, DeNoon)
Supplementing with 400-1,000 IU a day can help keep your vitamin D levels in check. Some studies have shown higher dosages to be more effective at keeping your levels in check, but starting out on the low end and seeing how you respond is the best way to go.
Get your vitamin D levels checked through your doctor and see if supplementation is right for you! We could all use a little boost through these next few months!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Healthy Fats!!
We have been taught to fear "Fats" through this diet bubble we live in today! I want to clear a few things up.
1. Not all Fats are created equal
2. Fat is a macronutrient just like Carbohydrates and Proteins and our body needs it
3. Fat does not make you fat-a discrepancy in calories consumed and expended is responsible for that
There are four faces to fats (poly-unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, saturated, trans). Poly- and Mono- are very good friends to proper functioning of your brain, cells, organs, heart, nerves, and joints. Okay, so lets give our body what it needs!
Healthy Fat Sources
1. Avacado= creamy and delicious compliment to your salads
2. Olive Oil= richness to your chicken and shrimp
3. Almonds= nutty mid afternoon hunger satisfaction
Friday, August 12, 2011
Lacking Motivation? Find A Training Partner
Lacking motivation on your "off" day from training with us at Fitness Together? Find a friend to train with you! The extrinsic motivation a friend can give can definitely be the deciding factor in pushing you to exercise! Go for a jog together, attend a yoga class. Get lost in the conversation during your walk and before you know it you will have gotten some decent mileage in!
Sometimes all we need is a little "push" to get us moving along!
Fitness Together Newtonville & Auburndale
Friday, July 22, 2011
How Much Water Should I Drink??
We are in the middle of a heat wave! How much water should we take in to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke? Activity levels definately influence how much water we should consume. For my clients, the low end I recommend is 64 fl oz per day. Adding in activity, it should be even more! Not taking in enough water puts you in a state of dehydration, which can sap your energy.
Water helps flush out toxins in the body. Seeing as the body is comprised of 60% water, this is extremely important!
You should never feel "thirsty" as this can be a sign of dehydration. Keep your fluids up throughout the day to maintain body function AND feel excellent even when the temperature is rising outside!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Posture Correction
With all the driving, sitting at a computer, and hunched over positions we put ourselves in on a daily basis, its no wonder seeing a pair of "slumped" over shoulders is the norm! Usually from being in this position, the pecs become extremely tight, and we don't develop the upper back musculature to help "pull" the shoulder blades back.
Incorporating a specific stretch for the pecs and also performing upper back strength training movements can go a long way into fixing your posture.
Pectoralis Stretch:
Stand in the middle of a door way with one foot in front of the other
Bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle and place your forearms on each side of the door way
Shift your weight on to your front leg, leaning forward, until you feel a stretch
Hold for 15 seconds
A few good upper back movements you can perform (google for images):
Face Pull
High Pull
Scapula Push Ups
Give these a try and fix that posture!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Complexes For Summer Physiques!!!
Barbell complexes are extremely effective when it comes to strength gains and fat loss. A complex is when a series of movements are performed in a row without ever putting the bar/dumbbells down.
The intense training effect from a barbell complex increases EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) and burns more calories over a prolonged period of time. EPOC is the increased rate of oxygen intake following exercise. Elevated EPOC can last anywhere from 16-48 hours after exercise. In short, you will burn more calories over a longer period of time.
Complexes are a fun, challenging way to train. Here is a quick sample complex you can try:
Barbell Deadlift x 10
Barbell Row x 10
Barbell Squat x 10
Barbell Press x 10
You can use two dumb bells in place of the barbell if you wish.
The goal is to perform each movement right after the other without ever putting the bar down. Each movement leads into the next. Perform the complex 4-5 times. Resting 60 seconds between rounds. Choose a weight that allows you to get about 12-15 reps on each movement.
Give complexes a try and enjoy the new and improved body composition!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Strengthening For Golf!
Golf season is in full swing (pun intended)!! How can we adapt our strength training to incorporate core stablility that will equate to longer drives, easier shots out of the rough, and prevent injury? Try this routine out to improve your golf game!
Paloff Cable Hold x :30 seconds each side
Plank x :45-:60 seconds
Side Plank x :20 seconds each side
Cable Chop x 10-12 reps
Complete each movement 3 times through. Resting 45-60 seconds between sets.
Notice how there is no "crunching" movement or twisting movement. Contrary to popular belief, you do not rotate through the core when you swing. You rotate through the thoracic spine (shoulders). The function of the core through a golf swing is actually stablization, especially through impact. The better we are at stabalizing the core during this time, the better we will be at generating power throughout the swing. More power equals more distance!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Foam Roll!!!
Foam rolling has recently become a standard in today's fitness industry for its numerous benefits ranging from increased mobility to injury prevention.
Foam rolling before a training session can help with breaking up scar tissue and improving blood flow to the muscles, priming them for movement. You can also benefit from rolling after a training session to help aid in recovery.
Think of your muscles like a rubber band. If you tie the band up and pull it tight you get a small bump. If you were to work the muscle in this condition the bump will only increase tightness and shorten your range of motion. Foam rolling helps break up these little "bumps" and decreases muscle density. As stated in the title, think of it as a poor man's massage!
I have my client's roll either before or after training sessions, depending on their mobility. I also stress to them the importance of rolling and recommend they purchase one for their homes as well. I tell them to roll at least 3-4 times per week when they aren't with me. It only takes a few minutes and can be done while they watch t.v.!
Foam rollers are pretty inexpensive, and can be purchased in the $25-$35 range. Grab one today and reap the benefits of improved recovery, increased mobility, and decreased muscle soreness!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Beach Ready Routine!!
It is that time of the year again! Warm weather and the beach! Want to look your best and feel great at the same time? Add in some full body circuit training to increase muscle size, definition, and leanness. While it is nice to isolate certain muscle groups every now and again, completing full body workouts increases EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption), which means more calories burned! Pointing you in the right direction to a lean summer body! Here is a sample workout:
Jump Squats x 10
Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10
Chin Ups or Inverted Rows x 10
Push Ups x 10
Reverse Crunch x 10
Take the least amount of time possible between movements. Complete the circuit 3-4 times. This hits every major muscle group in the body and achieves the EPOC effect. Goodluck!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Women-Bullet Proof Your Knees!!!
Women are susceptible to knee injuries because of the natural angle created from their hips to their knees. This is called the "Q" angle. What happens with women is their vastus lateralis (outer quad) over develops and puts pressure on the knee. This is the main reason women are more prone to ACL injuries. One way to help avoid these issues is to strengthen the vastus medialis (VMO or inner quad), and biceps femoris (hamstrings).
A few movements that can help strengthen the vastus medialis and hamstrings:
-Front Squat
-Plie Squat
-Conventional Deadlift
-Stiff Leg Deadlift
-Pull Throughs
Add these movements to your strength training routine and find solace in the fact that you are bullet proofing your knees AND getting them ready for activity!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Benefits Of Fish Oil
A multi vitamin is commonplace amongst individuals who are trying to stay healthy. The latest supplement that is starting to garner extra attention (for good reason), is fish oil. Supplementing with fish oil has been shown to:
1. Improved insulin sensitivity
2. Improved blood circulation
3. Reduced inflammation
4. Improved brain function
5. Lower triglycerides (bad cholesterol)
Adding fish oil to your daily nutrition plan can have a huge impact on overall health. It can now be found in any grocery market, as well as supplement stores. Try taking in 2-5 grams per day of fish oil and reap the benefits!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A Complex Situation
Complexes are a group of exercises that are performed back to back without ever setting the dumbbell/barbell down. When performed correctly, complexes can target every muscle group in the body, and really jack up resting metabolism (EPOC). In turn, this increases the amount of calories that your body will burn in a resting state FOR UP TO THE NEXT 48 HOURS! Talk about bang for your buck exercises.
Give this complex a try and see how you feel! Remember, each movement is performed right after the other without ever putting the bar down. After the last movement is completed, rest 90 seconds before starting again. Try for 3 full times through the complex.
Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10
Barbell Row x 10
Hang Clean x 10
Front Squat x 10
Push Press x 10
This complex targets all the major muscle groups in the body!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Athletic Core
The "core" is the bodies foundation of strength. It is no wonder that all of the recent buzz in the fitness industry is on how to build a strong, athletic core. Not only will a flat, hard stomach look good, it will also prevent lower back issues and increase performance. Here is a sample of a core circuit that will help you in your quest for a more functional midsection.
V-Ups x 10
Sprinters x 10 (lying flat on your back, mimic a sprint movement. crunching upwards with the left leg and right arm. then crunching up the right leg and left arm)
Toe Touches x 10
Reverse Crunches x 10
Perform each movement one after the other with minimal rest. After completing the reverse crunch, rest 60 seconds before completing the circuit again. Perform the circuit 3-4 times total. Goodluck!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fat Loss Circuit
Circuit training is a great way to increase exercise intensity and training density. When used correctly, a circuit can help increase muscle strength and blast away stored fat. Here is a sample, full body workout, that will help in body re-composition.
Perform each movement one after the other until the reverse crunch is finished. Rest 60-90 seconds, and then perform the circuit again. Circuit should be completed 3-5 times.
Push Up (regular or modified) x 15 reps
Plyometric Lunge x 16 (8 each leg)
Chair Dips x 15 reps
Jump Squats x 15 reps
Reverse Crunch x 15 reps
That is a total of 76 reps in a short amount of time. Talk about a great fat loss buster!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Beach season is approaching!! Time to flatten that stomach, not just for looks, but also for injury prevention. The core musculatures function is to RESIST rotation, flexion, and extension. Therefore, we need to train it that way! Here is a sample circuit you can try, it targets the midsection the "correct" way"
Plank (for as long as you can hold correct posture)
directly into
Right Side Plank (for as long you can hold correct posture)
directly into
Plank (for as long as you can hold correct posture)
directly into
Left Side Plank (for as long as you can hold correct posture)
Rest 2-3 minutes between circuits. Shoot to complete the full circuit 3-4 times! Good luck in your quest for a strong, beach ready core!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Correct Posture
With all the driving, sitting at a computer, and hunched over positions we put ourselves in on a daily basis, its no wonder seeing a pair of "slumped" over shoulders is the norm! Usually from being in this position, the pecs become extremely tight, and we don't develop the upper back musculature to help "pull" the shoulder blades back.
Incorporating a specific stretch for the pecs and also performing upper back strength training movements can go a long way into fixing your posture.
Pectoralis Stretch:
- Stand in the middle of a door way with one foot in front of the other
- Bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle and place your forearms on each side of the door way
- Shift your weight on to your front leg, leaning forward, until you feel a stretch
- Hold for 15 seconds
A few good upper back movements you can perform (google for images):
- Face Pull
- High Pull
- Scapula Push Ups
Give these a try and fix that posture!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice that uses long, thin needles for therapeutic purposes or to help alleviate the affects of various ailments. Along with helping the treatment of back pain, neck, and migraines, acupuncture has been shown to help with insomnia, anxiety, digestive problems, chronic pain, and even infertility (1). The belief of acupuncturists is that energy flows throughout the body in channels. Placing the needles in a specific area helps draw energy into that area and promotes a more positive flow (2). If you are interested in trying acupuncture, contact Chris Lehmann of Easter Sun Acupuncture in Waltham. or (617) 564-0454
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tracking Calories
It is extremely hard to track our diets in this eat and go world. Most of us THINK we eat better than how we really are. One of the easiest ways to see our macronutrient breakdown is to track it!
Once your daily nutrition is written down, you will see all the extra calories that sneak in through liquids, condiments, or serving sizes. Nutrition Together is a great eye opener when it comes to this and can REALLY help point your nutrition in the right direction.
Start tracking your calories, talk to your trainer about what needs to change in your eating habits, and then make the next step towards your fitness goals!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Keeping Cholesterol In Check
With today's trans fat and saturated fat laden diets out there, dangerous cholesterol levels are becoming increasingly common.
How can we keep our cholesterol levels in check? Here are a few tips:
1.) Eat HEALTHY fats. Taking in mono and polyunsaturated fats through diet helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol). Some foods that contain mono and polyunsaturated fats:
-Olive Oil
-Wild Salmon
2.) Exercise!!!! Exercise stimulates the body to produce more HDL and lower LDL. Being leaner also helps in keeping LDL in check!
3.) RELAX!!! Higher levels of the stress hormone coritsol and adrenaline have been shown to raise LDL! Work on relaxation or meditation techniques to help keep your stress hormones down.
Here are a few numbers you can shoot for to impress your doctor on your next visit:
-Triglycerides: under 150 mg.
-Cholesterol: under 200 milligrams
-LDL: under 130 milligrams
-HDL: above 50 milligrams
Good luck and stay in good health!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Strong, Defined Arms
A strong, defined pair of arms is hard to hide. Almost any form of clothing shows off your upper arm. President Obama's wife is constantly talked about in the mainstream about her defined arms. Here is a routine that will help you tone and develop a strong pair of guns!
Dumbbell Curls with palms facing down, 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dumbbell Curls with palms facing in towards each other, 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dumbbell Curls with palms facing up, 3 sets of 12-15 reps
The order of exercises are important because you are going from the hardest movement (when you have the most energy), to the easier (when you are more fatigued). Each movement is performed right after the other. When you complete the last curl, wait 2 minutes before completing the circuit again. The circuit should be performed 2-4 times based on your fitness levels.
Goodluck and be proud to bare arms!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Rock Hard Midsection!!!
Although it doesn't seem it right now, summer will be upon us soon! Everyone knows that means beach days, barbecues, and family gatherings. The first thing most people do is start a stomach specialization program that revolves around sit ups to counteract those winter "layers" that accumulated the past few months. This leaves most with no results to show AND a sore lower back to go along with it.
What can we do about it? How about a program that uses functional movements that will improve overall core strength but WON'T mess up your back!
Try this circuit out, perform the four movements in order without resting. After completing the fourth movement, rest 1 minute before performing the circuit again. The circuit should be performed 3-4 times.
V-Ups x 8 reps
Sprinters x 10 reps (try googling this core movement)
Toe Touches x 8
Reverse Crunches x 8
Good luck, summer is coming!!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Complexes for Strength and Fat Loss
Barbell complexes are extremely effective when it comes to strength gains and fat loss. A complex is when a series of movements are performed in a row without ever putting the bar/dumbbells down.
The intense training effect from a barbell complex increases EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) and burns more calories over a prolonged period of time. EPOC is the increased rate of oxygen intake following exercise. Elevated EPOC can last anywhere from 16-48 hours after exercise. In short, you will burn more calories over a longer period of time.
Complexes are a fun, challenging way to train. Here is a quick sample complex you can try:
Barbell Deadlift x 10
Barbell Row x 10
Barbell Squat x 10
Barbell Press x 10
- You can use two dumb bells in place of the barbell if you wish
The goal is to perform each movement right after the other without ever putting the bar down. Each movement leads into the next. Perform the complex 4-5 times. Resting 60 seconds between rounds. Choose a weight that allows you to get about 12-15 reps on each movement.
Give complexes a try and enjoy the new and improved body composition!
Your Friend, Regret...
Have you ever felt regret the day after you passed up a dessert? Of course not! You gave yourself a high-five for dodging the calorie bullet.
When Temptation presents itself in the form of fattening foods or sugary desserts, decide how you want to feel the next day. Would you rather be guilt-ridden and bloated OR guilt-free and svelte?
The choice is yours.
Healthy Chicken Parmesan!
Tired of the same old grilled chicken breast? Here is a quick recipe for chicken parmesan that is healthy AND low in calories!!
12 ounces chicken breast
1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup whole grain bread crumbs
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onions, dried
Rub each chicken breast with olive oil. Mix the dry ingredients together and pat each piece with the mixture until well covered.
Bake at 375F for 20 minutes.
The calories are low per serving (167), fat is low (4.5 grams) and comes from the healthy monosaturated type, and the protein content is high (18 grams). So enjoy this delicious, healthy meal!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Readers Choice 2011
We want to win in the
"Weight Loss Center" and "Health Club"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Looking for Fun Winter Activities?
One great way for the family to keep in shape in the winter is by going ice skating. Ice skating burns up to 475 calories per hour at a leisurely pace and can burn up to 600 calories per hour at a vigorous pace! If you don't know how to ice skate, just learning to skate still burns about 360 calories an hour! If you don't have access to an outdoor area for ice skating, you can travel to an indoor rink to find some ice and have just as much fun!
Then, of course, there's the time honored winter activity of skiing. Here on the East Coast, there are fantastic ski areas everywhere you look! Since skiing uses so many different muscle groups, much like skating, you can burn up to 475 calories skiing per hour at a moderate pace. Then there's cross-country skiing, which can burn up to 550 calories an hour at a leisurely to moderate pace! Although the kids might not enjoy cross country as much as they would downhill, either is a great way to keep active and still have some fun.
How about snowshoeing? We live in an area that is perfect for snowshoeing and although it's a lesser known sport than skiing or skating, it is a fabulous workout and will really put your body to the test. Snowshoeing for an hour will burn up to 550 calories!
Another great winter activity that the kids will certainly enjoy is sledding! Sledding can be a lot of fun for the whole family. If you have children who are too young to ride alone, you can put them on the sled with you. Find the tallest hill that you can safely sled down. The walk up the hill is going to burn a lot of calories and every time you reach the top, you get the reward of flying down the hill. Not only can sledding burn up to 475 calories in one hour, but while you are having fun outside, the time will really fly and you won't miss that warm fire inside.
You can also be creative and turn fun, easy things like building a snowman or a snow fort into a great workout too!
All of these activities are a great way to keep you and your family active on a day off from the gym. The tendency in the winter is to want to stay inside and keep warm, but if you find an activity that you and your family really like, the desire to be inside all the time will quickly go away! Now that you see there's no reason to stay couped up indoors, get out there and have some winter fun!
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Benefits of Sleep!
According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, your body manages and requires sleep in much the same way that it regulates the need for eating, drinking, and breathing. Extensive research has been done on the effects of sleep. These studies have consistently shown that sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
While sleep requirements vary by individual, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reports that most adults need seven to eight hours a night. Though, some people may need as few as 5 hours per night and others may need up to nine or ten hours of sleep each day for proper functioning. Studies show that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night. This underscores the importance of making sleep a top priority.
The following are some of the benefits of sleep and how it improves the quality and the length of your life.
Sleep helps to repair your body.
Your body produces extra protein molecules while you're sleeping that helps strengthen your ability to fight infection and stay healthy. These molecules help your immune system mend your body at a cellular level when you are stressed or have been exposed to compromising elements such as pollutants and infectious bacteria.
Sleep helps keep your heart healthy.
Your cardiovascular system is constantly under pressure and sleep helps to reduce the levels of stress and inflammation in your body. High levels of "inflammatory markers" are linked to heart disease and strokes. Sleep can also help keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which play a role in heart disease) in check.
Sleep reduces stress.
A good night's sleep can help lower blood pressure and elevated levels of stress hormones, which are a natural result of today's fast paced lifestyle. High blood pressure can be life threatening and the physical effects of stress can produce "'wear and tear" on your body and degenerate cells, which propel the aging process. Sleep helps to slow these effects and encourages a state of relaxation.
Sleep improves your memory.
That 'foggy' feeling that you struggle with when deprived of sleep makes it difficult to concentrate. This often leads to memory problems with facts, faces, lessons, or even conversations. Sleeping well eliminates these difficulties because, as you sleep, your brain is busy organizing and correlating memories.
One of the great benefits of sleep is that it allows your brain to better process new experiences and knowledge, increasing your understanding and retention. So, next time you hear someone say "why don't you sleep on it," take their advice.
Sleep helps control body weight issues.
Sleep helps regulate the hormones that affect and control your appetite. Studies have shown that when your body is deprived of sleep, the normal hormone balances are interrupted and your appetite increases. Unfortunately this increase in appetite doesn't lead to a craving for fruits and veggies. Rather, your body longs for foods high in calories, fats, and carbohydrates.
So, if you're trying to lose those stubborn few pounds that just keep hanging around, consider the benefits of sleep on weight control and make sure that getting enough sleep each day.
Sleep reduces your chances of diabetes.
Researchers have shown that lack of sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes by affecting how your body processes glucose, which is the carbohydrate your cells use for fuel.
The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School reports that a study showed a healthy group of people who had reduced their sleep from eight to four hours per night processed glucose more slowly. Other research initiatives have revealed that adults who usually sleep less than five hours per night have a greatly increased risk of developing diabetes.
Sleep reduces the occurrence of mood disorders.
With insufficient sleep during the night, many people become agitated or moody the following day. Yet, when limited sleep becomes a chronic issue, studies have shown it can lead to long-term mood disorders such as depression or anxiety.
The benefits of sleep are extensive and can make a difference in your quality of life, as well as the length of your life. Therefore, it is vital to place a priority on getting ample, consistent sleep!
~From "Benefits of Sleep" by Jules Sowder, on
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Healthier Bread!
Cook with almond or coconut flour! These forms of flour are gluten free, low carb, high fiber, and low on the glycemic index. You also reap the benefits of the "healthy" fats they contain.
Here is a quick recipe from one of my favorite authors, Chris Shugart, for almond bread:
2.5 cups of blanched almond flour (blanched means that the skins have been removed)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon pink sea salt
3 omega-3 enriched whole eggs
1 tablespoon Truvia
1/3 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1. Combine the almond flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
2. Add eggs, Splenda, and vinegar.
3. Use a hand mixer and mix until smooth.
4. Pour into a standard loaf pan (about 8 x 3 x 2, but anything works).
5. Bake at 300 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes.
Give the recipe a try and enjoy "healthier" bread!!!
-Eric, FT Newtonville Trainer